Cloud security is as essential as any other security need of organizations. Recent trends and security breaches are pointing more toward the cloud as compared to the on-premise infrastructure.
While all the cloud providers ensure that they secure the infrastructure in their control, cloud security is a shared responsibility based on the type of cloud service that you use. Understanding what you as a customer need to secure, how and the required control at the levels is crucial in securing the cloud infrastructure.
Cloud security encompasses the policies, measures, processes, and technology to protect the cloud-based infrastructure, application & data from data breaches, unauthorized access, and known & unknown threats.

      We help with providing consulting for securing your cloud by.

  1. Understanding your business, current technology, and cloud infrastructure and future plans.
  2. Architecting and inventorying the entire cloud infrastructure and other relevant entities.
  3. Understanding the compliance and legal requirements of your business, data & applications.
  4. Understanding the current capabilities and security controls of the cloud provider
  5. Identifying, assessing, and defining the access control and encryption needs.
  6. Identifying and planning the network security and data loss prevention requirements
  7. Creating a cloud-focused Incident Response Plan or integrating with the current IR.
  8. Understanding and planning for the Governance and Monitoring requirements
  9. Planning for the reporting and auditing on an ongoing basis
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